ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΓΕΛΙΕΣ 2130555955 - KIN : 6948481157


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Σύντομη Περιγραφή:
ESSENTIAL FOODS The Panther 3KG  Η Essential The Panther είναι μία μοναδική τροφή ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για γάτες με χαμηλή δραστηριότητα, υπερήλικες και στειρωμένες. Είναι κατάλληλη για στειρωμένες γάτες λόγω της περιεκτικότητάς της σε DL Methionine που αποτρέπει την δημιουργία ουρόλιθων...
 Διαθεσιμότητα:          Περιορισμένη διαθεσιμότητα


Η Essential The Panther είναι μία μοναδική τροφή ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για γάτες με χαμηλή δραστηριότητα, υπερήλικες και στειρωμένες.

Είναι κατάλληλη για στειρωμένες γάτες λόγω της περιεκτικότητάς της σε DL Methionine που αποτρέπει την δημιουργία ουρόλιθων στρουβίτη. Επίσης ειναι καταλληλη για μειωση βαρους κατω απο πρόγραμμα. Τα συστατικά που χρησιμοποιούμε είναι ύψιστης ποιότητας,μιας ποιότητας που θα συνηθίσετε ως αναμενόμενη από την Essential Foods.


Freshly prepared salmon and white fish, dried salmon, pol-lock and herring, ESSENTIAL the OMEGA 3 OIL, potato, peas,lentils, chickpea, cellulose, beet fibre, liver gravy, minerals,vitamins, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides,glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, dried cranberry, yucca ex-tract.COOKING TEMPERATURE90 degrees (°C).ADDITIVES PER KGVitamins: Vitamin A 25,000 IU, Vitamin D3 1,730 IU, Vita-min E 255 IU. Provitamins: Taurine 2,000 mg, L-Carnitine2,000 mg. Trace Elements: Zinc (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate)96 mg, Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 72 mg, Manga-nese (Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate) 29 mg, Copper (Cop-per (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 10 mg, Iodine (Potassium Io-dide) 3.7 mg. Amino Acids: Methionine 2000 mg, Lysine 500mg. With natural preservative (rosemary) and natural antiox-idants. Regulation(EC) No 2017/2279.

Θερμοκρασία παραγωγής: 90°C


Πρωτείνη 44%
Λιπαρά 12%
Μέταλλα 8,5 %
Υγρασία 5 %
Ωμέγα 6 0,9%
Ωμέγα 3 3,4%
Ασβέστιο 1.9%
Φώσφορος 1.5%
Γλυκοζαμίνη 0.0018%
Χονδροιτίνη 0.012%

Μεταβολιστέα Ενέργεια Kcal/Kg 3,770


Salmon & white fish 70.0%Of which fresh +30%
Protein 44.0%
Fat 12.0%Of which
Omega-3 3.4%
Omega-6 0.9%

Minerals/Crude Ash 8.5%
Water 5.0%
Fibre 4.5%
Calcium 1.9%
Phosphorous 1.5%
Glucosamine 0.018%
Chondroitin 0.012%

Kcal/Kg 3,770

ESSENTIAL THE PANTHER is a complete grain-free meal forcats, tailor-made for three unique lifestyles and stages. Pleaseread on, the PANTHER might be just what you and your cat arelooking for to unlock life’s fullest potential. And that’s exact-ly what we’re trying to do here at ESSENTIALS for each andevery one we proudly get to serve our meals to.

01: Sterilised/Neutered CatsOur “the PANTHER” recipe has been developed with the aimof helping to maintain an optimal urine pH range to supporturinary tract health. This is especially important once the cathas been sterilised. Being sterilised may also lead to an in -creased appetite and/or a changed metabolism, which, if notaddressed, can lead to the cat becoming overweight. The PAN-THER is made with these situations in mind. Always consult avet if your cat suffers from recurring urinary issues.

02: Indoor/Inactive/Weight-lossBeing an indoor kind of a cat is not necessarily synonymouswith weight issues. Far from it. But if a low-activity lifestyledoes result in putting on extra weight, or there is a need fora weight-loss diet, the PANTHER is our solution for you. ThePANTHER is lower fat than the JAGUAR and contains ingredi-ents aimed at an optimal life, including beet pulp and cellu-lose to support the reduction of hairballs.

03: Older/Senior Cats (7+ years)As the years advance, some nutritional requirements start tochange. As a rule of thumb, we highly recommend that youkeep serving our incredibly popular the JAGUAR right up tothe point in life when your cat appears to be gaining excessweight. The PANTHER ensures that fewer calories are con-sumed, and the added L-Carnitine helps the digestion of fatsand supports this transition to a more sedentary lifestyle.Regardless of the lifestyle led by your cat and the stage of lifeit is at, he or she will enjoy the fact that each and every kib-ble is made from an abundance of delicious seafood.

The PAN-THER is everything you would expect from ESSENTIALS

Σύσταση Τροφής:

Φίλτρα Γάτα

Ηλικία Γάτας:

The Panther (The_PANTHER_1.0_UK_p1.pdf, 1,246 Kb) [Λήψη]

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